Online Tutors

Online Tutors

In the 4.0 era, instead of criticizing children for spending time too much for technological devices, why don't we apply this habit to create a new and effective learning environment for children?


  • Apply industry 4.0 in teaching process
  • From primary schools to high schools
  • From basic to advanced: Maths, Literature, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, etc.
  • Interact directly one to one
  • Attractive lessons to avoid being bored
  • Reduce academic pressure 


  • Communication: Thanks to the camera and microphone, tutors and students will see portraits and talk directly to each other easily. Thereby, lecturing and questioning are not subject to any restrictions.

  • Teaching methods: The tutor lectures and takes notes directly on the computer screen, and the student's computer screen will display the content that the tutor explains through the application's screen sharing method.

  • Follow-ups: Each student who registers to study online is granted a student account at Student representatives log into this account to track the basic information of the learning process, such as the number of sessions, the content of the lesson, and the tutor's evaluation of each session.

Register now for one free trial session!