American High School

American High School

Our mission at Aquinas International Academy (AIA) is to provide state -of-the-art educational opportunities to students via our delivery system that essentially offers a classroom of one or small group learning. As an online school, fully Accredited by AdvancED ( which is the largest Accrediting agency in the U.S., AIA has the flexibility to allow students to proceed at their own pace, to remediate a class grade immediately without having to wait for summer school or take a class to advance themselves, particularly if their local school cannot offer that course.

In addition to being able to offer our domestic students all this in a non-denominational, private school setting, AIA is expanding its outreach to the international education marketplace. In recent years we have seen great interest from foreign countries in participating in a program that we call “American education at your fingertips—everywhere!” This program allows students to remain in their home countries all while studying in our American system with the help of qualified American teachers. In so doing, AIA has opened the doors to many students and parents that might not have been able to afford, or willing to send, their teenagers abroad to study in person at American elementary or High schools. By beginning to study not only English but other subjects at the Elementary level in their home country, they are preparing themselves to be able to enter AIA’s Online High School Diploma Program.

Aquinas International Academy offers curriculum software that is approved by the University of California as can be seen on the U.C. Doorways page of approved curricula software. Also, all our A.P. courses are pre-authorized by the College Board. Our goal then is to help prepare the international student improve his or her resume for college acceptance by adding a High School Diploma from Aquinas International Academy to it. International students who apply to U.S. Universities can do so with greater confidence when they proudly display a valid U.S. High School Diploma. Our first class cycled through the Diploma program in 2017 and all 37 Senior students graduated with an American High School. They were accepted into some of the top Universities in the U.S.—UConn, Syracuse, Rutgers, Cornell, UC Davis and many others. Aquinas International Academy stands ready to serve the International market at all age levels and with the advances in technology the time and space distance can be bridged so easily.

We slot in seamlessly into a foreign school schedule and with the availability of transfer credit for courses that are accepted from the home country curriculum, the task of managing to complete the U.S. requirements for graduation becomes very reasonable. This the chief reason that we had 100% success rate of admission to U.S. colleges for our recent graduation class. We invite you to join us in this great venture of East meeting West in the world of academics!